
Adoptees who work in adoption related fields have an ethical obligation to resolve and differentiate from their internal biases. Differentiation takes a great deal of training and insight.
Signature theme and wounded healer (Aponte, H. et Al. 2009)
By Robert Hafetz MS

It’s the context and malice that turn them from a term of endearment to a term of prejudice. It can be hard for an outsider to understand that duality of a phrase when coming from the US where words are arbitrarily proscribed anonymous comment

Lizzy Howard stated –
I am uncertain if Lily Arthur has the power to dismiss me from a federal government committee let alone do so on the basis of an allegation that my personal life is out of order because of my private associations.  I have performed my job for Origins to the best of my ability.  I have attended all meetings in Canberra, taken minutes and consulted back with the committee members of Origins.  I have run a petition and I have written extensive documents and submitted them to the RG team.  I have also passed on information to the RG Team on behalf of others.  I have attended in a personal capacity, both the NSW and Victorian apologies in order to inform myself as per my duty as a Reference Group Committee member.  What I have done wrong, according to Lily Arthur, is continue to associate with people who are my friends but which Lily considers enemies of Origins.  I have not found them to be enemies of Origins, though it is their right to be so as they too have right of association implying right  not to associate

Sat, 2012-09-29 20:03 — Fluffy -I nominate Nancy Verrier for her untested and untestable theory. It creates nothing but weepy distraction in the legitimate battle against adoption secrecy, corruption, and coercion. Pound Puppy Legacy Demons of Adoption Awards 2012

The Greens response to the  SA Apology –

Linda Bryant of Origins –  Only one good thing will come of these apologies and that is those who campaigned for one for so long will be satisfied and we can get on with the work for the redress for our members . 

It is unfortunate that trauma is the only material that we all have and we need to use it, our trauma, to build a bridge that joins us together. – mother of forced adoption Robin Turner

While this quote concerning transnational adoption  doesn’t sit comfortably within this page, it doesn’t sit on any other page either but it is too interesting to go unsaved – The second, and  most heartbreaking crisis, will definitely occur when a child blames his heritage for his failure. Sentences like “I wish I was born white and had grown in your belly, then I would definitely succeed” must break a parent’s heart – and it must be clear to the child that the parent will treat them as if the child purposly hurt himself or herself physically. In cases like that, I personally feel parents should seek professional counselling either for themselves, or the child, or both.

Research tells us that adoption is working for children. Their needs are being met by their adoptive families. They are safe, they are thriving, and they are loved. All children need and deserve this same love and permanency, as early in life as possible, and for those that still lack families of their own, intercountry adoption must remain an option. – Chuck Johnson, first post on new blog

Lorraine in ignorance of Jeanette’s writing style – “Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal is the title of a scrupulously honest and soul-baring memoir by the acclaimed British writer, Jeanette Winterson, who was adopted not by a loving “forever family” but by a crazed, larger-than-life Pentecostal woman who hated sex, force-fed the Bible on her brilliant, rebellious daughter, and kept a gun in the dresser as she waited for Armageddon.”

Lisa Lutz joins a gaggle of literary adoptees, which includes B. J. Lifton, A. M. Homes, and Amy Dean, who find what they see as seriously deficient birth parents and feel free to tell the world of their sorry genetic origins  –  Jane, blogging mother also author of this…….“Frankly, I don’t believe Lutz. If she really wished she hadn’t met her biological parents, if they were so meaningless, she wouldn’t have bothered to write about them. It seems more likely that she is dealing with her still-in-the-closet mother and trailer-trash father like the fox dealing with the inaccessible grapes; calling them sour and denying their importance, rather than trying to understand their loss and develop a relationship”

“It’s important to keep in mind that adoption is not abnormal, nor should discussions about it be stressful for adoptive parents, says Dr. Kathleen L. Whitten, Ph.D., a developmental psychologist, lecturer in psychology at Georgia State University, and author of Labor of the Heart: A Parent’s Guide to the Decisions and Emotions in Adoption. “If parents have been well-prepared before adoption, they should have no trouble with the fact that adoption is a wonderful way to build a family.  Parents who truly believe this will have no problems talking about adoption with anyone, especially their children.”

Edie Falco  “Maybe they think it’s the way everybody comes into a family, but we are also living in a time where it’s just not the stigma it was when I was a kid.”

But even when the time does come to explain to her children the many ways families are formed, Falco — who plans on speaking from her heart –  isn’t worried about her approach.

“The second you are handed a newborn it is yours. It doesn’t matter what body it came out of. I’ve never felt more strongly about anything in my life,”

Rage Against the MiniVan says; – The truth is that adoptees are very well represented in the blogosphere . . . except not all of them are dedicating their blogs to bioessentialist diatribes, or advocating we shut down adoption, or berating and mocking adoptive parents

Janine said: – “OK so I’m not the only one who didn’t realize anti-adoption was a thing. I guess I’m glad most people don’t know that! We have adoption stories on my and my husband’s side of our family and I will cut a bitch who tries to say something bad about it. Or about any adoptive families.”

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